Wonder Movie and My Sister

I couldn’t let this month end without giving another shout out to my favorite (don’t tell anyone) sister Sydney.  September is Craniofacial Acceptance Month and that is special to me because this sweet girl was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome (a craniofacial syndrome).  I posted more about her syndrome here if you’d like to read more on what TC is and how it affects her.  

Yes, she looks different. Don’t we all? Is she really that different though?  Not really.  She’s just like you and me .. (if you and me were 12 year old girls that liked YouTube videos, gymnastics, and giggling about 12 year old boys).  She’s just an ordinary girl with an extraordinary face.  

Have you seen the previews for the movie Wonder coming out in November?  It’s based off of the novel by R.J. Palacio called Wonder (duh) about a boy named August “Auggie” who is just like Sydney.  And, just like Sydney, he’s just begun mainstream school.  

I can’t even make it through the trailer without bawling.  It totally hits home.  I just want to reach through the screen and give Auggie the biggest hug.  I know how hard middle school was.  I hated it. I hated me.  And I wasn’t bringing a craniofacial disorder to the table.  Life is just not fair.  But I am so excited to see this movie and for others to get a glimpse into the life of an “Auggie”, and hopefully, be inspired to #choosekind.  

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.  We need to educate our kids on this sensitive topic.  They can be the change.  I want to wrap my arms so tight around the parents of the girl who decided to sit with Sydney at lunch this year.  I want to thank them for teaching her that differences don’t define us.  I want my girls to see all people the way they see their Aunt Sydney.   

I’m just so grateful for this “different” kiddo who was born into our ordinary family and brought so much love and understanding.  And if you’re looking for a new read – grab some tissues and snuggle up with Wonder.