Breastfeeding Journey

I blinked and I was 9 months into my 4th breastfeeding journey. I still feel like I am 22 and nursing my first baby. But what a blessing to be feeding my fourth, while the other 3 dance and play around us.

Breastfeeding has been some of my favorite periods of life. Ones I cherish tremendously. And each time I’ve closed the breastfeeding chapter, I’ve mourned. I’ve mourned those sacred moments, just me and my baby. Gazing into each other’s eyes, connecting body and soul. An opportunity for the two of us to once again, become one. Revisiting, and strengthening that bond every day. Multiple times a day. Mourning the quiet minutes, rocking my baby in the nursery, escaping everything else.

I recognize breastfeeding doesn’t come easily for everybody. It is a sacrifice and often times, a painful one. But I am so grateful for my body and the years it has spent nourishing my babies. I’m grateful I have been able to gift my babies, and myself, hundreds of days rocking them while feeding them a meal, perfectly tailored to their specific needs.

I’m also incredibly grateful for the milk I’ve been able to stock up on. With each of my babies, I tried to pump for a couple minutes after each breastfeeding session in the first few weeks to help my milk supply come in, and also start to save the excess breastmilk. Once Walt started sleeping 12 hours at night, I started pumping once each night, mostly because I was engorged. But again, to be able to save that milk for future use. In the last few months I’ve cut it down to pumping every other night. I’ve loved having a stock pile of frozen milk for nights away, babysitters, and for the months after weaning. Breast pumps are such a blessing for this very reason. I am grateful for Every Ounce, helping women with the process of procuring these supplies. I am using the Spectra Gold breast pump and I really love it! I had the Medela with my first 3, and the Spectra is so much more powerful.

When our family was PCSing overseas, the last thing I was thinking about was making sure my prescriptions for pump supplies and milk storage bags were going to be active at our new base. I was 2 months postpartum and dealing with the stress of an overseas move. Once we arrived to our new location, I realized I was running low on milk storage bags. As with most things military, it was a really tricky process trying to get my prescription moved. Both hospitals were being difficult to say the least. They wanted me to be seen by 3 doctors before I could even be eligible for a new prescription. (Insert largest eye roll imaginable). Every Ounce stepped in and saved the day. They located my prescription, transferred it to our current base, and activated it. Within a few day I had my new bags on my doorstep. This may seem like a small task, but to a postpartum, mid-PCS Mom of 4, it was just another hurdle I felt I didn’t have the time or mental space to deal with.

Military families often deal with unique hurdles in life, right? Moving, separation, distance from family … did I mention moving? Sometimes we just need another person in our corner.

Breastfeeding can sometimes be a vulnerable journey. Having support can be key in determining the success of a breastfeeding journey. That’s why I am so grateful to have worked with, and to continue to work with Every Ounce. They recognize the importance of feeding your baby, and supporting your desire to breastfeed. From nursing, to pumping, to storing. They are there, every step of the way. Helping you feed your baby. Every Ounce.

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