Walt’s Blessing

We were able to bless baby Walt a few weeks ago and it was so special. We waited until we were a little more established here at our new home so we could do it in our own ward.

We’re lucky to be closer to family now, and to have family willing to drive down for such a special occasion. (Walt’s blessing outfit is from Miriia – Use code JAMIE20 for 20% off your purchase at Miriia!)

As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, we give infants a name and a blessing by the holy power of the priesthood. Utilizing the same power, and after that same manner that Jesus blessed the little children in Mark.

In reading Luke 1:5-14, we see the importance of a name. And so, we too give our little children a name in front of God, angels, and our friends and family. And it is always such a special day.

Walt Asher Ericksen was blessed to have a special connection to his heavenly home and his heavenly parents throughout his life. To have righteous desires and a strong testimony.

Having waited for this sweet baby for years, this was such a special day. Something I yearned for and prayed for finally came to me.

I had the opportunity to share my testimony with friends and family after the blessing. And it was cathartic to express some of the thoughts I have had for the last year.

The season of infertility I went through was definitely refining. It was something I really wanted to use for good. I was determined to let this trial bring me closer to God and my Savior. I didn’t want to become bitter and angry. But despite my righteous desires, sometimes the refiners fire burnt me momentarily. Each time I found out I wasn’t pregnant, I would feel betrayed all over again. I would feel the natural woman in me pull away from my Heavenly Father. I would build up walls that deep down I knew I didn’t want. But the very human side of me would fall into this habit.

I kept trying. Assuring God that I wanted this journey if he wanted it for me. Promising him that even though I was weak, I wanted to use it as a means to grow closer to Him.

And then a prompting came. “Start waking up early to read your scriptures and journal”. … boo. I hate early mornings. I did not want to do this. Sometimes God asks me to do things I really do not want to do. But I followed through. And I thought, my life is going to be so much smoother now that I am starting my day (early) with scripture study. I can’t think of anything better to prime my day. … but day after day, I couldn’t see the blessings of this new habit. In fact, I felt more tired and more cranky most days. But I kept at it. God knows best.

Days, weeks, months went by. And I finally started to see it.

You see, the last week of Jesus’ life, he lost his friends. He was neglected, denied and betrayed. He wasn’t the Savior they were expecting. They were looking for a political deliverer. And he wasn’t that. He came to save them in a different way. Our Savior often saves us in a ways we can’t always recognize up front.

Through this season of early morning scripture study, I started to develop a strength that protected me from the sting of infertility. I started to notice that each month this trial continued, I was able to accept it. I was able to see The Lord’s hand in my life even after the 32nd negative pregnancy test. He saved me in a way that I wasn’t expecting. And I wouldn’t trade that trial for anything. It was invaluable.

I’m grateful for the trial that led me here. To be holding this baby in my arms. The same arms that used to ache to hold another little Ericksen. God is good and I’m constantly reminded how much more he knows than me. And I’m grateful for the lows that help us to recognize the highs.

This day was definitely a high.

Thanks to Miriia Clothing for the adorable blessing outfit. Use Jamie20 for 20% off your purchase at Miriia! Visit them on Instagram here.