Upon doing some deep research the other day, on Google, I came across the definition for “millennial” and realized that I FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY. I was completely offended. How dare they! … I didn’t even get a cell phone until the 4th grade for pete sakes! ? I do find some comfort in the […]
Valentine’s Day Look

Just in case y’all were wondering, I AM still alive. I don’t feel like I am back to normal. And I am really looking forward to that. I want to wake up without pain and be able to eat all the things and drink my DP out of a straw .. but right now all […]
3 Things That Help Me Feel Better As A Mom

This post is one I have been wanting to write for a while. But every time I started – I couldn’t even get passed the title. (Small interjection here – I am embarrassed by how long it took me to decide if “passed” in the previous sentence was, in fact, the correct usage. There may still […]
How to Survive Sickness This Season

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Abreva, Breathe Right, Clorox, Robitussin and Theraflu. All opinions are mine alone. #SoothesOfTheSeason #CollectiveBias Tis the season, right? The season for a cough, cold and flu! As you may know, we are an Air Force family! And tis also the season for Daddy to be gone. […]
Random Acts for Emmett
Download these service pass-along cards to help us remember a truly special angel this Christmas season! You can see more about this project on my Instagram
Holiday Gift Guide for Her

For ANY gal: This Pottery Barn Cozy Sherpa Robe was one of my Christmas gifts last year and it has held me tight after many warm baths, on many cold mornings, on many lazy days and through lost of “I’m pregnant and nothing fits me” days. This robe is the perfect gift for anyyy person […]
Fall Transition Pieces
It’s FALL guys! It’s officially cold enough to turn the heat on in our house. And it’s also cold enough that I need to wear a bra for school drop-off … if you catch my drift. [show_shopthepost_widget id=”3307809″] There’s pumpkin spice everything and my life is complete. Chances are if you label it Pumpkin Spice […]
Travel Made Easy with phil&teds
This post was sponsored by phil&teds©. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. We have three kids now. Three! The amount of leches in the most amazing mexican dessert. One fourth of a dozen. They outnumber us by one, so thank goodness 2 of them can walk on their own because a simple stroll […]
Prepping for Duck Season with PurinaONE® + Target

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PurinaONEPets #CollectiveBias I know you all thought we had three daughters, but we actually have a fourth. Our sweet dog, Miss Skeeter came into our family in 2015 and we’ve been puppy lovin’ on her ever since. My […]
Tess 4 Month Update

No matter how hard I tried, and believe me .. I tried, time has not stopped and baby Tess is now 4 months old. That is a third of a year guys! Insert cliche line about time being a thief. Take your pick … I’ve used them all. But as cliche as they are, they’re […]