For ANY gal:
This Pottery Barn Cozy Sherpa Robe was one of my Christmas gifts last year and it has held me tight after many warm baths, on many cold mornings, on many lazy days and through lost of “I’m pregnant and nothing fits me” days. This robe is the perfect gift for anyyy person that has two X chromosomes! AND it’s on sale for over 70% off! If you’re shopping for yourself, #treatyoself to this robe. If you’re shopping for your mom, sister, bus driver, librarian, etc. .. Trust me. They want this in their life.
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For the Mom:
This Car Seat Key is something I just discovered and it has changed my #MomLife. My girls can get themselves buckled up in their carseats. And they can each unbuckle their chest clips. But that darn crotch buckle is what nightmares are made of. How many nails have I broken on those stubborn red buttons that are made for Goliath strength thumbs to compress? More than I can count. Until now! This Car Seat Key makes it easy for Moms AND toddlers to unbuckle that devil clip easily! Can I get an Amen?

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Queepsake is a seriously underrated app that I have been using for about 2 years. I suck at journaling. I think my last entry was sometime in 2010 and I was dating an Aaron Carter look alike who was majoring in NCMO’s. And had someone had the key to that sacred journal, I’d have to kill them because of how reputation-shattering those entries could be. Qeepsake has changed the way I journal about my kiddos. It texts me a questions everyday about my kids and I just let my thumbs do the talking replying. I can text pictures that I want saved and sweet sayings .. along with the sassy ones that I will one day laugh about. Qeepsake truly makes it easy to record what’s happening in my kids’ lives and I love that it’s all right there at my fingertips! This is such a good gift for any Momma out there!
I’ve raved about this Binxy Baby Shopping Cart Hammock over and over and I refuse to stop. It has come in handy so many times since Tess was born. Her car seat does not fit on shopping carts like some car seats do. I could never have purchased more than a bottle of Dr. Pepper and a bag of Beef Jerky if I’d had to put her car seat in the cart all those shopping trips. The cart hammock lifts her seat up so I can still put goodies (doughnuts, cereal, hatchimals, lunchables, etc.) in the cart. It’s a safe place for her to sit while I run my never-ending errands.
For the Workout Guru
If you’re shopping for a workin’ out kinda person – get them this preworkout nowwww! It tastes amazing and is truly game-changing! If there’s anyone I take workout advice from, it’s Cara Loren! She’s amaze balls. I was so excited when she came out with her collaboration with Bucked Up! Your buff babe will love this stuff!
For the Cook
This Air Fryer is on my list! … Feel free to send a helpful hint to my hubby if you’re reading this ? Everything I’ve heard about Air Fryers has been A+. I’ve wanted one for a while and I think it’s such an awesome and healthy new way to cook and get that yummy fried vibe! This one is on-sale so snatch it quick!
For the Fashionista
This one ALL these ones are also on my list! I’ve wanted a Gigi Pip hat since they first came out. They’re all so perfect and the best accessory to any outfit. I would wear every single hat she has in her shop. And I would love my life while wearing them too. If you’re shopping for a fashionista in your life – she will hate you if you don’t get here a Gigi Pip hat. You’re welcome.
Hunter boots. All the way. .. And back again. These are my most popular item on They are such a versatile piece and perfect for the current weather anywhere really. Ok – except Hawaii. I don’t know if you’d find me walking up the beach in a bikini and Hunter boots. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t look “fetch”. These boots are durable and so cute! If you’ve got a fashion lover (or just someone who loves their feet) in your life – get these bad boys!

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