This post is sponsored by General Mills and Nestle, but all opinions are my own. It’s that time of year friends! And I am feeling very bittersweet about the topic of “back-to-school”. Back-to-school means Fall is coming, and with Fall comes my hubby’s deployment, so I’d say I’m feeling about 90% bitter about the whole […]
Tess Turns One

I have been in denial about this date. The one that signifies one trip around the sun for my littlest lady. The one that means I should prolly quit referring to her age in months and should now make the transition to dreaded years. But the day came and went and I’ve just been pretending […]
3 Things That Help Me Feel Better As A Mom

This post is one I have been wanting to write for a while. But every time I started – I couldn’t even get passed the title. (Small interjection here – I am embarrassed by how long it took me to decide if “passed” in the previous sentence was, in fact, the correct usage. There may still […]
Holiday Gift Guide for Her

For ANY gal: This Pottery Barn Cozy Sherpa Robe was one of my Christmas gifts last year and it has held me tight after many warm baths, on many cold mornings, on many lazy days and through lost of “I’m pregnant and nothing fits me” days. This robe is the perfect gift for anyyy person […]
Transitioning to 3 Kiddos with Britax Travel System

This post has been sponsored by Britax I was nervous to add the third kiddo to our family, no doubt. What I feared the most was how challenging it would be to get out of the house. I am not a homebody. A whole day spent inside my house is enough to make me feel […]
Second Trimester Must Haves + Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin

This post has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #NatureMadePrenatalDHA #CollectiveBias Pregnancy is always a happy time for me. But it can also be a stressful and painful time. Those of you who have followed along for a while can probably attest to this because it seems […]
Play Room

About 8 months ago we moved into our home. And our play room has been finished for about 6.5 of those months. And it’s taken me 7 months just to take pictures of the dang thing. It should’ve been the easiest photo shoot – I don’t have to bribe it to smile, it never moves, […]
Denim Joggers

Denim + Joggers = The best of both worlds. Who said Miley Cyrus was the only one to enjoy that luxury? She’s not the only one to ever take a naked joy ride upon a wrecking ball either .. but that’s a story for another time. I like a nice slouchy jogger aka period pants. […]
First of all, I have to express my disappointment that nobody recognized my movie quote from my last post. I’m even ashamed to call Brittney Bird my sister after missing it. Ouch. If anyone wants to redeem themselves, the point value just doubled and you can now win 20 points for identifying it! To see […]