As I’m sure you all know, (because I am a typical Mom) my Nora is going to school this year. I know it’s just Pre-K. And I know every other Mom in the world is sending off her kids to school too. But it’s a big deal to me! In North Carolina, Pre-K is ALL […]
Last Minute Nordstrom Sale Purchases

We’re in the last hours of the Nordy sale! You can finally start saving some dollars again! …. After you pay off your credit cards that is. I thought I would wrap it up with a few of my favorite purchases which you should most definitely get because they’re all going up in price in […]
Bedtime Solution for Toddlers

Bedtime. Also read: oife;oiajdfbkasjdf;oaiwej;oigvh;sifkjasdkfj ?????????????????? Sound familiar? Oh yeah, me either … My kids are angels at bedtime. ? For months, our nights were going like this after the bedtime routine was completed: Mommy, I need to go potty! Mommy, I need a drink. I’m scared!! I can’t find my bottle (in her hand). I want […]
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale + Shopping Tips
Hey y’all! In case you haven’t heard .. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is just around the riverbend! … And if, in fact, you haven’t heard .. kudos to you for being a screen-free ninja this week. You should treat yourself to some Nordie treats. You tuned in just in time! I’ve got some tips and […]
M is for Mealtime with Nuby AND Giveaway
This post is sponsored by Nuby™; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are 100% my own. Family (dinner) .. isn’t it about .. Time? ? But really – we all know that family mealtime is important. There’s charts and graphs and even commercials all about the importance of it and how it can keep your kids off […]
My Sister’s Closet Boutique
Two things I have been obsessed with lately. “This Is Us” on Hulu (consumed only in unhealthy doses of course) and florals! Wait, crap. Ruffles too! I’ve been crushing on ruffles too. So let’s make that three things. I love that I jumped on the “This Is Us” bandwagon a tad late too because […]
Off Shoulder Shop Stevie Swimmer
It’s almost swimmer season ladies and gents! Well, if you live here in North Carolina, it IS swimmer season. Holy cow – it’s 70 degrees today! It’s country song weather. I’ll take that over the snow in February any day. Swimsuit season is my fave! I just hope that this year my translucent body […]
A Valentine for my Veteran

If you know me, or if you’ve followed me for more than a week, you know that I’m obsessed with holidays. And I would dare say obsessed is an understatement. Some moms cry when they put away their children’s newborn clothes. I cry when it’s no longer socially acceptable to have the Christmas decor […]
Just Live
Today’s blog post is featuring an amazing company I’ve been honored to work with. Just Live. Initially I was excited to be collaborating with a fitness apparel company purely for selfish reasons. To show off my swoll muscles in their workout gear and to get all Arnold Shwarzenegger up in this joint. You know, letting […]
My Fave Small Shops
You know I’m all about shopping small. And when I say small I don’t mean bringing home a small amount of bags from a shopping spree. That’s the wrong kind of “shopping small”. When it comes to shopping quantity, my motto has always been go big or go home #amiright? What I’m talking about is […]