What crazy times we are living in … am I right? My daily stresses went from getting the kids to school on time and planning a homecoming to the kids using too much toilet paper and how many hours are actually in a day? I used to know it was 24 … now I’m convinced […]
Tess Turns One

I have been in denial about this date. The one that signifies one trip around the sun for my littlest lady. The one that means I should prolly quit referring to her age in months and should now make the transition to dreaded years. But the day came and went and I’ve just been pretending […]
3 Things That Help Me Feel Better As A Mom

This post is one I have been wanting to write for a while. But every time I started – I couldn’t even get passed the title. (Small interjection here – I am embarrassed by how long it took me to decide if “passed” in the previous sentence was, in fact, the correct usage. There may still […]
- Giveaway
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Math Crackers with Nuby

This post is sponsored by Nuby™; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are 100% my own. I’m backstreet back again with Nuby and some more meal time fun! We’ve partnered up for their M is for Mealtime campaign to bring you some fun mealtime activities, downloads, and of course .. a giveaway! Mealtime doesn’t have to […]