Party with RITZ, OREO, and Chips Ahoy!

Kids are so easily entertained, am I right? We spend all this money on toys and tablets, and they just want to play with boxes! You know exactly what I am talking about. You buy a new car seat, the box naturally becomes a playhouse for a few days until you can finally tip toe into their room and break it down for recycling once and for all praying they won’t notice in the morning. … Just me? Cool. My husband always calls me savage for throwing out the boxes. Except for right now, I welcome any and all entertainment for the kids because as you can see – I am painting our kitchen cabinets … Hello blue painters tape! Wish me luck, send me prayers, and Dr. Pepper. 

Well, I just did my grocery shopping at Walmart (via grocery pickup which is FINALLY available in our tiny town!) and I got the best boxes for the kids to play with! And by “kids” I mean myself too. This AR business is so fascinating I can’t stop playing with it too!

Have you ever tried out this augmented reality business? It’s so fascinating! It reminds me of those 3D puzzles you used to look at in elementary school. The ones where you had to cross your eyes all funky and squint and look like you were having a stroke just to make the image pop out at you. You know the ones? Well, it’s a whole lot easier with the augmented reality images on the back of RITZ, OREO, and Chips Ahoy! packages! And it gives you less of a headache too! 

In fact, these boxes give you more than just a fun experience – they give you an opportunity to WIN one of these amazing trips! The Rio Carnival in Brazil, St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, or New Years Eve in NYC! When’s the last time your groceries were interactive AND took you to Ireland? 

Your kids can play with the boxes, you can enter the sweepstakes and y’all can cross your fingers that you’ll be spending New Year’s Eve in The Big Apple instead of on your mom’s couch sipping sparkling cider and trying to keep your eyes open. Me personally, I would choose St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland. That’s definitely my cup of (irish) tea. 

So run to Walmart, or better yet, order your groceries online here! Snag Party Packs Sizes of RITZOREO, and Chips Ahoy! Enjoy the augmented reality experience at and enter to win that trip guys! Your family will thank you!