This gift guide is not like any other gift guide. Every year, I look forward to seeing gift guides. Each and every blogger travels the world wide web searching for the things that will make their loved ones smile! And then, they share it all with us! But the thing is, my people are different from theirs. So my huntin’ lovin’ hubby isn’t going to want that Manny Pack Blogger A’s hubby will find under the tree Christmas morning. I, however, will be stalking her instagram to see her hubby sporting that sexy manny pack!
Sometime’s I find some great ideas though! And that’s what this gift guide is supposed to be. A few ideas for each person that will either help you or leave you thinking, “glad I am not the person on the receiving end of that gift!”
The nice thing is it’s all wrapped up in one tiny blog post. A few ideas for each person on your list. Hopefully you walk away with at least one good idea!
For the Woman Who Birthed You
If she’s like my mom, she’s having a harder time seeing things close up … and if she’s anything like me, she also stares at a screen and gets headaches. These blue light filtering + magnification glasses kill 2 birds with one stone.

If she spends any time in the kitchen, she’s probably used a strainer a time or 2. This one is more than just your average strainer. It’s a one-pot solution for the lady who probably can’t remember where her strainer is anymore ?.
For The Man who Raised You
If he drinks anything, he needs a Yeti that will keep it both cool on the hot days, and warm on the cold days. We have every Yeti product and they have never disappointed. Well … they do when I drink the Dr. Pepper all gone. But I’m not holding it against them.

If he goes Number 2, then he needs one of these bidets. If he doesn’t go Number 2 … he’s got bigger problems than the rest of use who find wiping our bums to be too tricky for toilet paper. It sprays your undercarriage clean and universally fits all toilet seats. What more could your old man want?
For The Old Lady Who Was Alive When We Went to the Moon
If she’s sentimental, and cries and crap, she will love this. The kids fill it out so it’s heartfelt and it’s the gift that keeps on giving! 112 pages of laughs and smiles.

If she’s organized, Earth conscientious, and shops, then she’s definitely a Grandma. And this trolley shopping bag system is right up her alley. It keeps the groceries organized and already bagged for the upcoming trek to the Buick.
For The People Who You’re Obligated Give Gifts to Because They Live in Your Neighborhood
Neighbor gifts have to be cheap and practical … in my humble opinion (don’t @ me). If it’s gonna be cheap, at least make it something they’re gonna eat or use right? That’s why Kleenex are a perfect gift. With a little gift tag that says, “We Tissue A Merry Christmas”. They’ll be thanking you when the Holiday bugs come a knockin.

If they’re the non-drinking variety of neighbors – gift them the Mormon version of champagne. You’re doing them a favor because they’ll be fully prepared for New Years Eve. Add a tag that says “May Your Holidays Sparkle” and you’re all set!
For The Little People Who Like to Play
This Tote-A-Fort set is so cool. Remember making blanket forts as kids? But always struggling to keep the blankets up and not sustain an injury from the weight source crashing down on your head with an unlucky tug of the blanket (speaking from 100% personal experience here. 2001. Television to the head.) This fort kit has all you need for the kids to build a fort anywhere! The weights hold the fort in place without the kids taking decorations and books from all places of the house.

What kid doesn’t like Magna Tiles? And at only $19 these are such a great deal! 65 pieces of fun fun fun! They’re great for any age and easy to tote around. Great gift right herr.
For the Artsy Fartsy Type Kiddos
Spirograph. Need I say more? This thing looks fun to me. And at only $11 it’s a great crafty gift for the little ones in your life.

This GIANT busy box is just what it claims to be. A huge box full of tons of craft stuff to keep your kiddos busy for hours! My girls had this for a year and over that time created so many fun crafts. It is so worth the $15.
For the “Just Like Mommy” Girl
This little makeup set is so darling and realistic looking. During my morning routine – I am constantly being climbed on by my little lady who wants everything to do with my makeup. However, I am not so comfortable with her playing with my Sephora and Ulta goodies. This kit, is the cutest little alternative.

I love everything Melissa And Doug, and wooden toys are totally my jam. This little cookie baking set is cute and realistic and perfect for any little baker with or without a mini kitchen.
For the Student Living Away From Home
A Rapid Ramen Cooker has saved my #momlife. I honestly have no made ramen on the stove in 6 years. This invention literally makes ramen in the microwave that tastes just like it was made on the stove. If you don’t use this nifty bowl, I promise it’ll be mush. Get them this since this is what they’re eating 94% of the time. It saves on time and dishes.

A college student may or may not be doing laundry. You probably don’t want to know the answer to that. But you can give them the gift that encourages them to do more of it and more effectively. It’s a backpack (hopefully they’re used to carrying one of those), and a nifty pouch for the soap (hopefully they know to use that in their laundry).
For The Ones who Teach Your Kids
These mental note post it notes are hilarious and perfect for really anybody on your list. But teachers have so much going on, they need an extra boost to remember things. This is only $5! Slap a bow and some candy on it and it’s good to go.

This is another affordable option. At only $6 it’s the perfect gift for the many teachers you may have on your list. This gratitude journal is a practical gift that I think would help me if I was working with other people’s kids … 30 of them.
For The Practical Kitchen Lovers
This butter spreader is genius! No more plate of butter left with corn husk residue. This little genius invention makes buttering your corn easier than cooking it. (I hate cooking corn on the cob! HUBBY! Come home so you can make your yummy smoked corn again!)

I’ll never stop raving about this Magic Tap. It goes on your milk jug and turns it into a tap. No more lifting the jug in and out of the fridge. No more kids spilling milk. No more crying over said milk. It stays put! It locks and it’s also 100% cleanable. I can get into every nook and cranny to clean it. We wouldn’t survive without ours.