Kids are so easily entertained, am I right? We spend all this money on toys and tablets, and they just want to play with boxes! You know exactly what I am talking about. You buy a new car seat, the box naturally becomes a playhouse for a few days until you can finally tip toe […]

Come one, come all. I have the greatest giveaway planned and I am so excited to introduce this to you! But hear me out while I preface this. My hubby is deployed. Hmm … you didn’t know that? Have you been living under a rock? It’s all I talk whine about these days. That means […]
- Giveaway
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Math Crackers with Nuby

This post is sponsored by Nuby™; however, all thoughts and opinions expressed are 100% my own. I’m backstreet back again with Nuby and some more meal time fun! We’ve partnered up for their M is for Mealtime campaign to bring you some fun mealtime activities, downloads, and of course .. a giveaway! Mealtime doesn’t have to […]
Doterra Giveaway
Here’s the deal. I know very little about essential oils. In fact, I can hardly pronounce the names of several of them. One thing I do know is that I have always wanted to know more about them. I’ve been wanting to try them for the better part of three years now. But have always […]
Sister Missionary Mall

This post talks a little about LDS missionaries and their work for the LDS Church. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. #iamamormon. I #liveit and #loveit. I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings it brings to my life. If you would like to […]
Father’s Day Freebie
Happy Friday Y’all! Or as the cool kids say .. It’s Friyay! Basically, I’m just happy it’s the weekend because I finally get to see my husband for more than 10 minutes. And the girlies get to spend quality time with their Daddy. We’re pretty fond of our guy around here and with Father’s Day just […]