I love coming up with new ways to make the holidays fun for my family. As I’ve previously stated, I have an obsession with holidays and tend to go “all out”. But as my Daddy always said, if you ain’t first .. you’re last. So go all out or go home, right? Valentine’s Day is […]
Author: ericksenjamie
A Valentine for my Veteran

If you know me, or if you’ve followed me for more than a week, you know that I’m obsessed with holidays. And I would dare say obsessed is an understatement. Some moms cry when they put away their children’s newborn clothes. I cry when it’s no longer socially acceptable to have the Christmas decor […]
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The Perfect Temple Dress

This post talks about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the LDS Temples. If you would like to learn more about the LDS Church and about our Temples, I invite you to visit LDS.org. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them! Thanks for visiting! I’ve had […]
Book of Mormon Study Guide

I’ve been known to skip my scripture study a time or two. … Or five … Each week. Yikes! The thing is, I have amazing intentions! And then my follow-through is consistently less than amazing. Scripture study is one of those “primary answers” that I know I need to be better at each Sunday and […]
Just Live
Today’s blog post is featuring an amazing company I’ve been honored to work with. Just Live. Initially I was excited to be collaborating with a fitness apparel company purely for selfish reasons. To show off my swoll muscles in their workout gear and to get all Arnold Shwarzenegger up in this joint. You know, letting […]
My Fave Small Shops
You know I’m all about shopping small. And when I say small I don’t mean bringing home a small amount of bags from a shopping spree. That’s the wrong kind of “shopping small”. When it comes to shopping quantity, my motto has always been go big or go home #amiright? What I’m talking about is […]
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Christmas Wish List

If you’re wondering what to get me for Christmas here is my wish list … An iPhone charger cable that is 11 ft long. An IV drip that can administer Dr. Pepper 0.05 pound dumb bells A really good mystery novel that is 8 or less pages long I’m just kidding – this post entitled […]
Sister Missionary Mall

This post talks a little about LDS missionaries and their work for the LDS Church. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. #iamamormon. I #liveit and #loveit. I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings it brings to my life. If you would like to […]
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7 Days of Thanksloving

I have thoroughly enjoyed blogging the last six months. I hope you guys have enjoyed following my crazy blogging journey. It has been so fun to express myself through this avenue. I enjoy blogging most about things that I am passionate about, and I am most passionate about my family. My roles as a wife […]
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Sweet Peekaboo

Now that Nora is 4, I am really starting to get emotional about her growing up. I used to post the cliche picture each year on her birthday about her being “one year older” and “my mommy emotions are all over the place” because “how did my baby get so big blah blah blah”. […]