My baby is a month old now. If I was a cursing lady, this is where I would enter a curse word. Instead I’ll just say gol’ darnit. Gol’ freakin’ darnit. ?? I want her to stay itty bitty forever. I bought a whole mess of newborn clothes the other day, knowing that they weren’t going to […]
Father’s Day Gift Guide

This blog post is sponsored by who gifted me these products. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own. We love any reason to celebrate our #1 dude. He’s the real MVP. But sometimes, Father’s Day makes me T.O.’d. (Mormon curse slang = ticked off). I think Father’s Day was created to make […]
Maternity Basics

Whoever said orange is the new black was obviously not pregnant. Because I wouldn’t be caught dead in orange. Black is my current love language. Well, black and Chips Ahoy … which may very well be the reason I’m crushing on black but I’m gonna just go ahead and blame the baby. Because I can […]
Baby 3 Gender Reveal

Christmas came early for the Ericksen family! We’ve been anxiously awaiting this moment! It’s evident this home has plenty of estrogen floating around. So we were so eager to find out if Baby 3 would add to the hormone parade or level the playing field a little bit! Baby 3 is a … GIRL Here’s […]
Jord Wood Watch + GIVEAWAY

Christmas is right around the corner guys. I wouldn’t know because I still haven’t been able to put up my decorations ? #lifeandtimesofthehomeless. We’re not really homeless, we’re just waiting for our moving company to deliver our crap. It took us 3 days to drive here. Our moving truck, however, is working on day 12 of […]
5 Favorite Sweaters Under $30 + Best Jeans on SALE

Sweaters are my love language! In so many ways. They remind me that the air has turned crisp and cool. Either that or I’m sweating because I’m trying to dress like it’s Fall when it’s really 83°. Luckily it actually IS Fall here now. Boots, cardis and pumpkin spice errrrything. [show_shopthepost_widget id=”2888039″] Now that I […]
Mum Fest + FabKids

We enjoyed visiting the Mum Fest last weekend in New Bern, NC. If you didn’t already know, New Bern is home to my favorite author Nicholas Sparks. I know. Huge eye roll, right? How basic can I be? A blonde Mormon mom that loves Nicholas Sparks movies and long walks on the beach. That has […]
Wonder Movie and My Sister

I couldn’t let this month end without giving another shout out to my favorite (don’t tell anyone) sister Sydney. September is Craniofacial Acceptance Month and that is special to me because this sweet girl was born with Treacher Collins Syndrome (a craniofacial syndrome). I posted more about her syndrome here if you’d like to read […]
Family Halloween Costume Ideas

Guys. Guess what? … Halloween is only 7 weeks away! That means if you are less than mediocre on a sewing machine but insist on hand-making your family’s costumes every year, you should start …. yesterday. Therefore I am late … again. Procrastination is my middle name. I still cannot decide what we’re going […]
Help for Harvey

If you’ve known me for a while, you know that I used to have an Etsy shop. I love to design and have always had fun making my own birth announcements, printables, and cards. Unfortunately, I deactivated my shop a year ago because I just didn’t have time to brush my teeth, feed my children […]