We are a military family. But you already know that. Unless you’re new here, in which case, Hi! Welcome to the circus! I’m Jamie and most of the time, I have no idea what I’m doing. But back to military life, (which is just one of the acts in this three-ring-circus). Military life comes with […]
ipad case
“Me Time” during Isolation + GIVEAWAY
What crazy times we are living in … am I right? My daily stresses went from getting the kids to school on time and planning a homecoming to the kids using too much toilet paper and how many hours are actually in a day? I used to know it was 24 … now I’m convinced […]
Keeping Our iPad Safe

It’s a well known fact that we have 30 really greasy, grimy, chubby, little toddler fingers in this house. 30 dirty little electronics magnets. These kids love all things that start with i. iPhone, iPad, iMac, iRemote to our television … iEverything. They attract the goods. And then they usually break all the iThings. Did […]