Summer wardrobes guys, it’s tough. Sweaty, sweaty, and sweaty. It’s tricky when you’re trying to remain modest, yet not sweat your baguettes off. [show_shopthepost_widget id=”4106951″] That’s why the T-shirt dress is a fantastic invention. They’re breezy and long enough for me, yet not too long. Long enough is definitely a necessity because if I bend […]
Best Online Sales

I’m not exactly sure why I am online shopping currently. Sounds like I am not going to have anywhere to go or anyone to see … for like … forever. So realistically I could stay in my pajamas forever. But something about being stuck at home and spending all the money I don’t have makes […]
Favorite Cheetah Swimsuits
We all know that cheetah / leopard / I don’t know the friggin’ difference, is all the rage right now! And thank goodness. Because the 7 year old in me is finally living her best life! If only Lisa Frank folders would come back in style. I would say it’s an off day if I […]
Mixing Halloween into your Decor

If you need proof of my love for the Holidays see here, here, or here. Decorating is just one of my many (many) love languages. And now that I have 3 mini-me’s that are also obsessed with adorning the house in all things from the Target Dollar Spot – it’s a love affair! We start […]
- Kids
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Back To School Girls’ Try On VLOG

Although I did the bulk of our Back To School shopping online, because I am a mom. With three kids. Who, despite my best efforts in coaching, don’t live for a day at the mall. Teach a man to fish woman to shop and you feed him for a lifetime you fill her with joy […]
Favorite Bermuda Shorts

Hey, hey, hey, hey ladies! And gentlemen too I guess! I’m here to talk about a summer staple, especially for those LDS followers of mine! Drop a note below so I know you’re here! I know y’all read my posts … you keep forgetting to leave me comments! Silly girls. Every March, I’m begging the […]
Fall Transition + Life Update

Everywhere I look it’s like Fall this, Fall that. Target thinks they can trick me into thinking it’s Fall when it’s actually still 85 degrees outside and 120% humidity. Why is this weather even a thing? Who the H invented humidity? What’s worse is that North Carolina is like trying to trick me. The weather […]
Play Room

About 8 months ago we moved into our home. And our play room has been finished for about 6.5 of those months. And it’s taken me 7 months just to take pictures of the dang thing. It should’ve been the easiest photo shoot – I don’t have to bribe it to smile, it never moves, […]
Georgia Trip
Our trip to Atlanta was so fun. Except of course the aforementioned distance in between us and our destination. The girls love to stay in hotels. I love to stay in hotels too – but preferably the ones that have a heart shaped hot tub in the room. Unfortunately this was not one of those […]
First of all, I have to express my disappointment that nobody recognized my movie quote from my last post. I’m even ashamed to call Brittney Bird my sister after missing it. Ouch. If anyone wants to redeem themselves, the point value just doubled and you can now win 20 points for identifying it! To see […]