This post is in partnership with Gillette’s new SkinGuard razor -new- at Walmart today. It’s that time guys. TDY time. If you’re not familiar with military lingo (or if you’re a military wife who just doesn’t have the brain capacity for anymore acronyms) – TDY stands for temporary duty. (Am I 5 years old because […]
Author: ericksenjamie
Tess Turns One

I have been in denial about this date. The one that signifies one trip around the sun for my littlest lady. The one that means I should prolly quit referring to her age in months and should now make the transition to dreaded years. But the day came and went and I’ve just been pretending […]
Better Water for our Family

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #ParentingWithPrimoH2O #CollectiveBias Y’all know I have a love affair with Dr. Pepper. DP is my addiction. And I refuse to go to a meeting. But when I started running more last year, (the second-most shocking sentence to ever […]
Blogging Photography FAQ’s

A few years ago I started this blog and I’ll let you in on a little secret … I had NO idea what I was doing. Fast forward 3 years and I still don’t know what I’m doing. But through much trial and error, I have learned a few things along the way. First and […]
Easter Lunch Ideas

Hi, my name is Jamie and I love holidays. All of them. I’m not biased like the who’s down in Whoville. Every St. Saint Fizzin’s day, I eat a Fizz pheasant. (Ok. Maybe I am a little biased. Christmas holds a special place in my heart .. but don’t tell The Easter Bunny or the […]
How to Stretch Longer Between Hair Washes

Upon doing some deep research the other day, on Google, I came across the definition for “millennial” and realized that I FALL INTO THAT CATEGORY. I was completely offended. How dare they! … I didn’t even get a cell phone until the 4th grade for pete sakes! ? I do find some comfort in the […]
Last Minute 2-Day Shipping Valentine’s Finds

One of the best holidays is just around the corner riverbend. Literally 3 days away! I should know. Nora asks me every day how many days until Valentine’s Day .. and then proceeds to ask me “are you counting today?” and, “are you sure you’re gonna be able to finish my Valentine Mailbox in time?” […]
Valentine’s Day Look

Just in case y’all were wondering, I AM still alive. I don’t feel like I am back to normal. And I am really looking forward to that. I want to wake up without pain and be able to eat all the things and drink my DP out of a straw .. but right now all […]
3 Things That Help Me Feel Better As A Mom

This post is one I have been wanting to write for a while. But every time I started – I couldn’t even get passed the title. (Small interjection here – I am embarrassed by how long it took me to decide if “passed” in the previous sentence was, in fact, the correct usage. There may still […]
How to Survive Sickness This Season

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc., Abreva, Breathe Right, Clorox, Robitussin and Theraflu. All opinions are mine alone. #SoothesOfTheSeason #CollectiveBias Tis the season, right? The season for a cough, cold and flu! As you may know, we are an Air Force family! And tis also the season for Daddy to be gone. […]