This post is made possible with support from the Wounded Warrior Project. All opinions are my own.

It’s no secret that we recently went through a deployment. (It’s no secret due to the fact that I was very vocal about it …. perhaps, some may even say, “whiny” … ( … you know who you are …)

It’s fine. I’m fine. We’re fine. … Because it’s finally over! But not without some losses.

Deployments are hard. Military life is hard. And not just for us spouses. One of the hardest parts was watching my kids go through it. Knowing they’re carrying the pain with them everyday, whether silent or not. Knowing we, as their parents, played a part in inflicting that pain upon them. That’s a lot to swallow.

They endure missed birthdays, missed dance-recitals, missed goodnight kisses, most importantly, missed quality time for months and months. There are tears shed, notes written, and hugs unhad.

I’ve partnered with Women Online and Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) to help put the WWP mission of honoring and empowering wounded warriors in motion by spreading info about Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) Carry Forward 5K, delivered by CSX.

Carry Forward allows me and you to honor and empower wounded warriors and all the people we “carry” in honor of. It’s a way to give back and remember the sacrifices our members and families in the military go through.

I am participating in the San Diego Virtual 5K taking place this Saturday the 29th! I’d love it if you’d join with me! Use code FREEDOM for FREE registration! Join me in honoring our wounded warriors! I am so excited to support this cause. More than 52,000 servicemen and women are physically injured in recent military conflicts. 500,000 living with invisible wounds, from depression to post-traumatic stress disorder. 320,000 experiencing debilitating brain trauma. With the support of communities, donors and team members, they give a voice to those needs and empower our warriors to begin the journey to recovery.

So register today for FREE with code FREEDOM, and join you in honoring and empowering wounded warriors!