We were able to bless baby Walt a few weeks ago and it was so special. We waited until we were a little more established here at our new home so we could do it in our own ward. We’re lucky to be closer to family now, and to have family willing to drive down […]
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Kids General Conference Worksheet
I have never been more excited for a session of General Conference as I am for this one. I have never felt more ready to hear what the leaders of our church have to say. I have never felt like my life was in more turmoil and, never have I ever needed guidance, confirmation and […]

Come one, come all. I have the greatest giveaway planned and I am so excited to introduce this to you! But hear me out while I preface this. My hubby is deployed. Hmm … you didn’t know that? Have you been living under a rock? It’s all I talk whine about these days. That means […]
Tess 4 Month Update

No matter how hard I tried, and believe me .. I tried, time has not stopped and baby Tess is now 4 months old. That is a third of a year guys! Insert cliche line about time being a thief. Take your pick … I’ve used them all. But as cliche as they are, they’re […]
- Coupon Code
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The Perfect Temple Dress

This post talks about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and the LDS Temples. If you would like to learn more about the LDS Church and about our Temples, I invite you to visit LDS.org. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer them! Thanks for visiting! I’ve had […]
Sister Missionary Mall

This post talks a little about LDS missionaries and their work for the LDS Church. I belong to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. #iamamormon. I #liveit and #loveit. I am so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and the blessings it brings to my life. If you would like to […]