It’s the million dollar question. I’ve had so many of you ask, “but why did you move onto base? Your off-base home seemed like the perfect setup! It was so cute!” etc. And you’re not wrong. We loved our off-base home. We loved our little English village. We loved our neighbors and, most importantly, we […]
air force wife
Halloween 2021

Halloween has come and gone again! Once again, I homemade our costumes! … Once again, I procrastinated the crap out of the project and was maniacally sewing all hours of the night until Halloweve. But, once again, the pictures are worth the hours of sewing and £100 of fabric …. Seriously, what is wrong with […]
First Months in England

Wow. Just wow. I’ve procrastinated this post a bit because of how tricky it will be to condense it! Campbell’s could teach me a thing or two about condensing. I’m not good at it. Just ask Delta airlines how many suitcases we brought with us on our flights to The UK … 12. The answer […]
- Air Force Life
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Why I hate it when you tell me “I could never do that.”

I have wanted to put these words on paper for years now. But I am not Louisa May Alcott. I am not eloquent or poetic. And I use phrases like “totes” and “I can’t even”. I’d rather appeal to my readers’ humor than their “feels”. But this has weighed on my heart heavy, especially during […]
Preparing for TDY

This post is in partnership with Gillette’s new SkinGuard razor -new- at Walmart today. It’s that time guys. TDY time. If you’re not familiar with military lingo (or if you’re a military wife who just doesn’t have the brain capacity for anymore acronyms) – TDY stands for temporary duty. (Am I 5 years old because […]
Nordstrom Anniversary Sale + Shopping Tips
Hey y’all! In case you haven’t heard .. The Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is just around the riverbend! … And if, in fact, you haven’t heard .. kudos to you for being a screen-free ninja this week. You should treat yourself to some Nordie treats. You tuned in just in time! I’ve got some tips and […]
Hashtag Red White and Blue

Nothing makes me feel more #merica than my husband. He is my favorite reason I put my hand over my heart and the only reason I know all the words to Wild Blue Yonder … even the profane ones. ? Before marrying into the Air Force – I didn’t know much about patriotism. The Fourth of […]
Pet the Jet
We had a fun opportunity a few weeks ago to see, upclose, the most amazing aircraft in the United States Air Force! The F-15! I have to say, my husband has the sexiest job in the whole wide world. And the sexiest uniform! That big green onesie? ? Yeah baby! It was so fun to get […]